What we offer our partners

In a traditional rental property, a key challenge is dealing with tenants who come from different backgrounds and present unique issues. Tenants who pay late, make unreasonable demands or complaints or fail to take care of your property can eat up a lot of your time, money and resources. That”s when we step in and help by managing your apartment as a corporate apartment can in turn minimize these concerns because the clients are typically professional companies and/or organizations with a solid reputation. Their leadership correlates the travel accommodations which in turn implies that their employees or associates, the actual occupants of your property, will usually have an awareness that their behavior in your unit reflects on their employer. Treating your unit poorly or damaging it could cost them their job and the business a lost resource for their associates.

“For Rent/Sale”Condition at all times

Corporate tenants are mostly well-organized when handling the financial aspects of their their rental, and payments are on-time and hassle-free. Business travelers focus on their work, and may often come without family. These attributes can serve as an indirect advantage in terms of lower maintenance and repair costs, and wear and tear on the property. Keeping the property in “for sale/rent” condition at all times. We have a network of cleaners that will come as requested. For stays of two weeks or longer we do require a cleaning performance and/or check up.

Peace Of Mind

We take the security of your property serious as we offer screening services to all persons whom will be occupying the unit for any amount of time.

Our screening partner we use is Autohost.ai

Their feature set includes:

A risk assessment score for each reservation

Recommendations based on risk assessment

Integration with our property management system

Fraud detection (ID and Credit card fraud)

Party risk assessment

Background checks

Escort and Criminal activity

 Sex Offender Registry Check

 International Criminal Watchlists

Now the guests that do pass the screening process, it’s still important that we set expectations. This will ensure that there’s no room for any misunderstandings. We have guests review and agree to all of the Corporate rental’s house rules, pay a security deposit, holding guests accountable for their actions. Guests who violate the rules should be removed; no questions asked.

In the short-term rental industry, guest screening is the only way to protect your properties. It’s also our duty as operators to rent responsibly, thereby keeping our neighborhoods and communities nuisance- and disturbance-free.

We can also gather guest’s booking history and pertinent trip details, such as where the guest is traveling from, the reason for their stay and how many guests will be joining them.

Growing Partnerships

We connect with landlords and property owners in hopes to build a relationship that can help our mission to serve the traveling professional and meet the needs of our partners. You can enjoy a limitless amount of repeated business that can guarantee you returns and security in your investment.

We come with over 3+ years of experience, and we stand by taking our business serious and meeting the needs of our partners. This business is our livelihood and how we take care of our families. We are not into the business of a free for all allowing almost anyone to occupy the unit without properly being screened and vetted. We are hoping to connect with Landlords and Property Owners if you are open to the Short-Term Rental Arbitration Model. Let’s connect and see how we can help you with your goals and to find out more! Please use the contact form to make a connection!